Call: (804) 561-2146



Our office has resumed seeing patients for routine dental care and emergencies. Please know that your health and safety are our top priority as we work through the challenges created by the current Coronavirus outbreak.

We will start calling patients who have had appointments cancelled and those with current appointments to confirm or reschedule them in order to open our office in a safe manor. Infection control has always been an important part of patient care and we want to assure you that we are stringently adhering to all recommendations made by the ADA, CDC and OSHA. We follow these agencies so we are up to date on any new guidance they issue.

As a result, you will see some changes when you come in for your next appointment. These changes are to protect our patients and our staff. We appreciate your patience as we take the necessary steps to ensure everyone’s safety.

·Our office will communicate with you before your appointment to ask some screening questions. You will be asked the same questions again when you are in the office.

·Each patient will remain in their vehicle until we are ready for you to enter the building. Call our office to let us know you have arrived.

·Only the patient being seen for treatment can enter the building. Minors or patients that need assistance will be allowed to have one chaperone. The chaperone must wear a mask while inside the building.

·Each patient will have their temperature taken before the appointment and will use hand sanitizer upon entering the office.

·We ask that you bring a mask or face covering with you and wear it while entering and leaving the building.  

·Appointment times will be managed to allow social distancing between patients. That might mean that you are offered fewer appointment options and your original appointment time may change.

·We are allowing greater time between patients to allow for optimum infection control.

·Our staff will ask you to provide insurance information, patient registration information and collect payment over the phone to reduce unnecessary personal contact.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep everyone in our practice safe. Thank you for being patient and for your trust and loyalty during this difficult time. We look forward to seeing you again!


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